Thursday, July 29, 2010

Summer Slipping By

I've been trying to update this forever, but my computer has been hating me (no surprise there). I think my switch to Mac might be coming sooner than anticipated.

I can't believe it's nearly the end of July, I can't believe there is only a month left to summer. It's mind blowing. That being said, I've been lucky in that I've been kept extremely busy thus far (and it doesn't show signs of slowing down any time soon).

So far, my summer has consisted of:
- Bbqs with friends.
- Frisbee throwing in the park - and subsequent running through the children's water play park when finished.
- Movie watching.
- Many evening strolls through downtown - and the occasional spotting of a local television show being filmed.
- Swimming in ponds and pools - sometimes even at 12 at night.- Saying farewell to a friend headed to South Korea to teach English for a year.
- Trips out home to visit with family and friends - and to get sucked into working into a beer tent during a local festival.

All and all (aside from the friend leaving) not a bad summer. I hope August proves to be just as entertaining

Thursday, July 8, 2010


So, while I think is sad that someone who hasn't had a hit, in what? 5-6 years? s still in the news, I really enjoyed this article from the New York Post:

Props to the author for saying the stuff that few other sites have the balls to say. There's no 'poor Lindsay" its "Lindsay, take some effing resposibility for your actions."

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So today a friend of mine gave birth to two beautiful healthy little babies (twins - a boy and a girl). Which really got me thinking. Children have always been an issue I've been a little contentious with. Should I have them? Should I not? Do I have the patience to be mother? Would I be a bad mother? Even from the time I was a teenager kids always weighed on my mind. I'm 'only' 24 at the moment and I know I have a few years yet to consider my options, but I also realize that peak baby-making time really isn't that far off, and I'm not as young as I may sometimes think I am.

Myself and this friend are not super close, but we're not distant friends either (ie. I went to her baby shower but probably won't visit her until she's out of the hospital kinda close). She had a c-section scheduled for today and the whole day at work all I could find myself wonder was 'did she have them yet? I wonder what she named them?" It was so exciting even though I'm not directly 'in' the situation. So I can only imagine the emotions that would go through me if it was, say, my best friend.

One thing I have decided in the last little while though is if I get to my mid-ish 30's, am single and decide I want kids - I will have them. Via adoption or whatever means. I've seen so many friend's of my mother who adore children and who've wanted them so badly, not have them just because they don't have a husband. I think that's the saddest situation. They're single, successful, 40-something women that happen to not have found Mr. Right (or whatever bull that is). Is it easier with two people? I would imagine yes. But I wouldn't deny something I truly wanted, just because of that? No.

Anyway, that is my rant for today. It seems that although I've just really started this blog that a lot of my entries have become more 'personal' than 'entertainment.' - Which is unexpected. It's nice just to get thoughts down somewhere that you might not necessarily say out loud.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Travel, Travel

Living in a relatively reclusive part of the world, its not surprising that a few times a year I get an itch to get away... far away. This compounded with the fact that that we have been having miserable weather as of late, is making me feel a little contemplative tonight. As I sit huddled under my blanket wishing for blue skies and sunshine, I wanted to do a little trip down memory lane. About a year ago, I was sitting under the blazing sun of the desert in Las Vegas. A friend and I took a trip there and it was quite a time. Here are a few images from it.

The lovely MGM - Where we stayed for 8 nights.

This photo pales in comparison to the Bellagio fountains in person. It might be a cliched Vegas site to check out, but it's definitely worth it.

Ever get the feeling someone is watching you? (Rainforest Cafe)

I've watched the Lion King twice now, once in Vegas and once in Toronto, and would without hesitation see it for a third time if the opportunity comes along.

This is where I would love to be right now. Relaxing pool side, in the sun, with a cold drink and perhaps even a cigar? Not sat on a couch on a dreary, cold July night.

Monday, July 5, 2010


So, over the weekend I decided to take the trek home to spend some time with the family. Wouldn't you know that on Saturday afternoon a small ache started to appear in the back of my mouth only to grow worse and worse as the day went on. By Saturday night I had a raging tooth ache that seemed like it wasn't going to go away anytime soon. I was not a happy person.

So, long story short, my dentist (aka my favorite person in the world right now) managed to get me in to see him first thing this morning and I've apparently a tooth infection and need a root canal. Eugh. I am not the number one fan of the dentist, nor am I a fan of being on multiple medications. Combined with my birth control and B12 vitamins I can now add some long-named pain killer and penicillin to the mix. Lucky me.

Basically this is just a post to bitch. I've learned my lesson. Going to the dentist more regularly would have prevented this every 6 hour dependence on anti-inflammatory drugs.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Happy Birthday, Canada

How else would you celebrate Canada day other than with burgers and beers? (Note: Photo is from last year's celebrations, this year's have not yet been uploaded).

In honour of your 143rd year here are some of my favorite things about you, Canada:

1. Free health care
2. Freedom of Speech (even if the Prime Minister is a bit of a d. bag)
3. Our reputation as a peace keeping country
4. Crazy hocking-loving fans
5. Non-crowded, (mostly) safe cities
6. Abundant green space
7. Clean, breathable air
8. The maple leaf/maple syrup
9. Our very diverse culture
10. J. Beibs, need I say more? ;)

... and oh so many more.

Monday, June 21, 2010

It's Monday

Apparently not only is it Monday, but it's also some weird provincial holiday that I did not know existed until today. It's mostly for public service workers, which is why I am sadly at my desk while others are off enjoying the warm (but oh so humid) weather.

I'm taking a bit of my lunch break today to make a short post, mostly just to rant about working in customer service.

Are there ever times when you question the sanity of the general population? Happens to me every day, example:

"Hello (insert name of business)"

"Oh Hi, I just bought an electric appliance and I'm just wondering how I go about installing that?"

"Its electric, does it have a plug?"


"You find your nearest outlet, and well.. plug it in."

"Oh, thats all?"

YES that's all, its a freaking electric appliance, not like you need an excessive amount of letters after your name to figure that. People. Think before you act, THINK.


This is girl is 17 years old, 17! I'm not that far removed from that age myself, but I can't imagine leaving my house wearing that now, let alone when the parents actually had some say in what I was doing. Dear Miley, have you not learned from Britney Spears/Lindsay Lohan? Curb yourself now unless you want to be a trainwreck.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Well, if you've made it here, that's the first step, so thanks for making time to check me out.

This is the second blog that I've started and I hope to be more vigilant on this attempt. My problem with the old blog was that I told people close to me about it - and hence I felt limited on what I could post (did I really want my mother knowing that I cuss like a sailor? No. Even if I am above the age of 20). Thus, I've re-booted under the covers of anonymity.

What is my hope for this blog? Basically, I like to share.

A funny web article I've read? Yeah, I'll post that. A ridiculous Youtube video? Yep, I"ll post that too. Having a bad day at work and want to vent? - You get the picture, it's basically a combination of pop culture combined with life.

Should you find your way here, drop me a note and I'll be sure to do the same.